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Herniated/Bulging Disc Treatment in Broomfield

pointing at spinePainful and sometimes debilitating spinal disc problems can significantly impact your quality of life, affecting everything from your daily activities to your sleep. To get the proper treatment for your disc issue, it’s crucial to understand the difference between herniated and bulging discs.

Bulging Discs

A bulging disc occurs when the disc’s outer layer starts to protrude beyond its normal boundaries, similar to a balloon being squeezed. While the disc hasn’t ruptured, the bulge can take up extra space and press on nearby nerves, leading to symptoms such as radiating pain down the legs, especially if the affected disc is in the lower back.

Think of a bulging disc like a worn tire—while it’s still functional, the more you drive on it without addressing the issue, the higher the risk of a blowout. Chiropractic care can often relieve pressure and reduce symptoms, potentially preventing the need for surgery.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc, on the other hand, is more severe. This condition occurs when the disc’s outer layer tears, allowing the inner gel-like substance to leak out. This “leak” can put significant pressure on the surrounding nerves, leading to intense pain, numbness, and even muscle weakness.

Similar to a tire that has burst, a herniated disc represents a more critical condition that sometimes requires surgical intervention, especially if it causes nerve compression.

Chiropractic Care for Disc Issues

Chiropractic care can often help alleviate the symptoms of herniated and bulging discs by reducing inflammation and swelling, which in turn relieves pressure on the spine. Our treatment plans typically include spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae and lifestyle recommendations to prevent further injury.

Early intervention is key for bulging discs to avoid progression to herniation. Regular chiropractic care can help manage symptoms and improve overall spine health.

Book an Appointment Today

If you suspect a herniated or bulging disc, contact Top of the Line Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors


Herniated/Bulging Disc Treatment Broomfield, Denver CO | (303) 990-5029