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Low Back Pain Relief in Broomfield

lady with back pain on couchAwkward sleeping positions, poor posture at your workstation, toting objects that are too heavy—the list goes on and on of things that can cause low back pain, which is a highly common issue that affects many people at some point in their lives.

This type of discomfort is most commonly associated with the lumbar spine, which consists of five vertebrae located in the lower part of your back, just above the pelvis. This area supports much of the body’s weight and is involved in a wide range of movements and activities.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

Low back pain often results from the accumulation of bad habits such as poor posture, improper lifting techniques, and prolonged sitting. The lumbar spine is particularly susceptible to injuries like bulging discs due to its role in lifting and movement. These discs, the largest in the spine, are built to withstand significant stress but can become damaged over time, leading to pain and discomfort.

Symptoms and Effects

Low back pain can develop from various causes, including ankle sprains, knee injuries, or improper lifting of heavy objects. These issues can alter the way we walk and bend, placing additional stress on the lower back.
This stress can create a cycle of subluxations (misalignments) and immobility in the spine, which leads to nerve root irritation and tight muscles. This combination often results in the aches and pains commonly associated with low back pain.

Addressing Muscle Imbalance

Muscle imbalances around the lumbar spine are another common issue. Sitting for long periods often leads to tension in the front of the pelvis, causing an anterior pelvic tilt and sway back. Strengthening the muscles around the lumbar spine, including the glutes and core, is crucial. This approach helps balance the pelvis and reduces strain on the lower back, preventing it from getting caught in the middle of muscle tug-of-war.

It’s also important to have proper posture and use correct lifting techniques.

Seeking Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an effective and, perhaps best of all, natural way to address low back pain. Adjustments can provide significant relief by realigning the spine, reducing nerve root irritation, and relieving muscle tension. Chronic issues may require examining lifestyle habits, such as sleeping positions and mattress quality, to identify and correct contributing factors.

Get Relief & Reclaim Your Life

Don’t let low back discomfort control your life. Contact Top of the Line Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment and get on the path to a pain-free, active life.


Low Back Pain Relief Broomfield, Denver CO | (303) 990-5029