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Migraine Relief in Broomfield

man with headacheHeadaches and migraines are not only painful but often debilitating, disrupting lives and prompting many people to seek chiropractic care. It’s important to note that although headaches and migraines are used interchangeably, they are distinct conditions.

A typical headache, such as a tension headache, usually stems from muscle tension in the neck and upper back, resulting in a dull, aching pain around the head and neck. Migraines, however, are more severe and often come with additional sensory disturbances known as auras. These can include seeing spots, experiencing unusual tastes or smells, and heightened sensitivity to light and sound.

The American Migraine Foundation estimates that over 39 million Americans experience migraines, though the true number is likely higher, as many people go undiagnosed or untreated.

Types and Symptoms

Migraines can be classified into various types, including migraines with aura and migraines without aura. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Intense, throbbing pain, often localized around the front of the face or orbital (eye socket) area
  • Sensory changes include visual disturbances (seeing spots or flashes of light), unusual smells, and tastes
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • A general sense of malaise or feeling that a migraine is imminent, even without specific sensory changes

Understanding these symptoms helps to distinguish migraines from other types of headaches and ensure appropriate treatment.

Our Approach to Addressing Migraines

At our practice, we first conduct a thorough assessment to help us create a precise and personalized care plan for your specific needs. Our chiropractors then discuss your health history and concerns, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your health. Through a detailed examination of spinal alignment and functionality, we accurately diagnose and address the root causes of any discomfort or health issues.
Next, we provide chiropractic care, which can be highly effective in managing migraines by addressing underlying issues in the cervical spine (neck). Misalignments in the cervical spine, particularly in the lower cervical regions (C5-C7) for tension headaches, and the upper cervical regions (C1-C2) for migraines and cluster headaches, can contribute to migraine symptoms.
Treatment at our practice involves adjusting spinal misalignments to improve blood flow and reduce nerve irritation, easing muscle tension in the neck and upper back and making postural corrections to reduce strain on the cervical spine and suboccipital muscles.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

While chiropractic care can effectively manage most headaches and migraines, certain symptoms indicate a need for immediate medical attention. Thunderclap headaches, characterized by sudden, severe pain often described as “the worst headache ever,” may signal a vascular issue like a stroke. Accompanying symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vibrating eyes (nystagmus), difficulty walking, or trouble swallowing require urgent hospital care.

Put Pain in Your Past Today

If you’re struggling with migraines or chronic headaches, don’t wait any longer to find relief. Contact Top of the Line Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractors. We’ll address the root causes of your pain and provide lasting relief so you can improve your quality of life.


Migraine Relief Broomfield, Denver CO | (303) 990-5029